Dear Reader,
In this edition we bring you three interesting articles – one on policies and approaches for the implementation of hydrogen to decarbonise our energy systems, an overview of a new Technical Brochure on the impact of market interventions by system operators during power system emergencies and one about a fantastic new Green Book on Power System Modelling and Analysis in Evolving Networks, which is a comprehensive volume on power system analysis through the changing lens of the power system as it shifts to renewables and inverter-based technology. A rich and varied set of topics!
Preparations continue for the integrated suite of three conferences we will be delivering for you in Adelaide 2-4 September 2025, with the overarching theme "Shaping the Power Systems of Tomorrow'. The event will include the 9th South East Asian Protection Automation and Control conference (SEAPAC25), the 7th Conference on the Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (CIDER25), plenary and general sessions on the energy transition, a leadership breakfast hosted by Women in Energy and events for early career (NGN) professionals.
Keep your eye out for the Call for Presentations and Papers which will be released at the end of this month, and the opening of early-bird registrations in mid-February. This will be an event not to be missed and we look forward to your involvement as a speaker or delegate.
Best Regards
Peter McIntyre Chief Executive Officer CIGRE Australia
Phil Southwell Technical Editor
In searching for options to reduce the carbon intensity of our energy consumption, the main solution is shaping up to be direct electrification from near zero-emissions energy sources: mostly wind, solar, nuclear and hydro. However, direct electrification cannot entirely displace the need for an energy molecule to facilitate solutions in certain sectors like aviation and chemical industries where electrification is technically and economically unviable. Hydrogen and its derivatives are considered a strong candidate for this role. CIGRE Working Group (WG) C1.48 has produced TB 942 as a comprehensive foundation for future work on the topic of hydrogen. The Australian members on the WG were C Potter, H Samarakoon and N Sinclair. MORE >
Intervention by System Operators is the last line of defence against potential power system emergency conditions and an important tool to assist recovery from an emergency situation. The potential for an intervention under existing practices and procedure is increasing as regulators and operators seek greater operating efficiencies and manage the transition to low emission generating fleets and the volume of customer CER resources grows. Joint Working Group (JWG) C2 C5.06 has examined the market implications of System Operator interventions in electricity markets and has recently produced TB 941. The Australian member of the working group was Greg Thorpe. MORE >
The CIGRE Green Book, Power System Dynamic Modelling and Analysis in Evolving Networks, is a pivotal resource for engineers, researchers, and decision-makers navigating the energy transition in modern power systems. As the energy landscape shifts from conventional synchronous generators to renewable energy sources dominated by inverter-based resources (IBRs), this book draws on global expertise to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding and addressing the challenges and opportunities inherent in this transformation. MORE >