e-News for power industry leaders

Edition 37 - May 2024

Dear Reader, 

In this edition we bring you three interesting articles – one containing South Australian battery storage case studies which highlights some groundbreaking work being done in Australia, an article on the condition assessment and diagnostic methods for MV cables and an article on the life extension of oil filled transformers and shunt reactors.

Talking transformers, we recently delivered a very successful transformer workshop to over 100 delegates in Sydney. Feedback on the event was incredibly positive and we look forward to the next transformer workshop in early 2026. 

We are now preparing for the 2024 Paris sessions commencing August 25. It promises to be a fantastic event. Early bird registrations close 30 May so we encourage you to register soon if you are intending to attend.

Best Regards 

Peter McIntyre
Chief Executive Officer
CIGRE Australia

Phil Southwell
Technical Editor

South Australian Battery Energy Storage Case Studies

A new working group, C1.51 is well underway and an article on two grid-scale battery energy storage systems in South Australia has recently been added to the draft Technical Brochure.  This article, provided by Rainer Korte from ElectraNet, illustrates how Australia is playing a leading role in the growth and support of renewable energy.


Condition assessment and diagnostic methods to support asset management of MV cable networks

Working Group (WG) B1.58 has produced Technical Brochure (TB) 924 which provides a comprehensive overview and insight on Medium Voltage (MV) cable asset management based on criticality-based maintenance. In Australia, there has been an increasing demand for these techniques as many of the early cables installed in central areas are now approaching their end-of-life stage.  The Australian member of the WG was Dong-Churl Lee.


Life extension of oil filled transformers and shunt reactors

Over recent decades, the life extension strategy has changed from time-based to condition-based and risk-based maintenance. As transformer diagnostic techniques improved in recent years, operators have been looking for techniques, measures, and methods to extend the life span of installed transformers and reactors. Working Group (WG) A2.55 has produced TB 887 as a guideline for approaching transformer life extension projects.  The Australian member of the WG was Paul Guy.