Cigre Australia

global know-how


Mission and Values

CIGRE Australia’s mission is to contribute to the betterment of the power system by enhancing the expertise of the people within it.

Whether it’s managing ageing assets, exploring ways to reduce network costs or planning for the network of the future, CIGRE is committed to empowering teams with the latest, most relevant know-how and innovations.  CIGRE supports this know-how with access to a worldwide pool of experts and peers.

Our core values are to:

  • Actively build a community of Australian experts;
  • Facilitate effective knowledge sharing;
  • Foster and mentor the next generation of engineers;
  • Deliver value for our member organisations through the creation of enhanced solutions optimised for Australian and regional conditions and our market environment  and
  • Contribute to the community through assisting with engagement during the development of the network and by promoting safety. 

Strategic Themes and initiatives

  • Deliver Sustainable Membership Value
  • Contribute to the Energy System Evolution
  • Grow our Reputation as the Leading Technical Reference for the Energy System
  • Help to Develop People and Skill of the Future

Our global contribution

We are also actively committed to contributing our own know-how to the global network so that other countries may benefit.

Globally, CIGRE aims to:

  • Enable engineers and specialists from all around the world to exchange information and enhance their knowledge related to power systems.
  • Add value to the knowledge and information exchanged by synthesising state of the art world practices.
  • Make the outcome of CIGRE work available to the industry decision-makers  (CEOs, directors, managers and regulators). 

CIGRE considers issues related to planning and operation of power systems, as well as the design, construction, maintenance and disposal of HV equipment and plants.  Other content areas related to protection of power systems, telecommunication, information systems and market economics are also part of CIGRE's area of interest and global expertise.

CIGRE Australia Strategic Plan

The CIGRE Australia Strategic Plan 2024-2027 can be downloaded here.