Top Focus Issues
Following recent interviews with industry leaders, CIGRE Australia identified the following top Focus issues as key areas of interest. Our email update In the Loop is primarily focused around offering insights and key information from our global network around these key issues.
The issues aim to focus our activities to ensure that we are satisfying members' needs and staying relevant to the interests of the broader industry.
- Optimising Asset Performance
- Impacts of the substantial structural evolution of the power industry including issues regarding efficiency, optimisation, cost reflective pricing and market economics.
- An increasing need for keeping all stakeholders engaged and informed during the development of evolving electricity supply systems by ensuring stakeholders are informed on the best international practice to achieve commercially and technically viable solutions.
- Encouraging enterprise and embracing new ideas through supporting innovative and responsive workplaces and not being afraid to challenge the status quo, developing the younger age group and aiding in the acquisition of appropriate experience and technical knowledge
- Operational and system issues associated with asset performance and the integration of renewables and new emerging technologies such as wind, PV, storage and how to manage associated supply intermittency, reduced generation inertia and peak demand issues. This includes challenges associated with changing patterns of generation and demand including the impact of climate change and newer technologies
- Supporting members where appropriate the maintenance of a socially and culturally diverse age/experience/business profile of industry technical staff to ensure that technical expertise is not lost in each organisation nor across the industry. Hence broadening the CIGRE membership to include the new service suppliers, contractors and investors in the industry
- Ensuring that CIGRE is seen and remains a non-partisan source of global expert information on issues related to the Electricity Supply System
These issues will be reviewed regularly to ensure their relevance. Please feel free to contact us if you wish to comment on the subject areas.