Cigre Australia

global know-how


Tools for economically optimal tranmission development

By ANC, 18 May 2014

Working Group C1.24 has recently had a Technical Brochure published in the Cigre magazine - Electra.

WG C1-24 drew together international experts with the aim of examining the tools and procedures for determining the economic benefits delivered by transmission systems developments.
The WG focused on tools and methods for assessing the system wide economic benefits delivered by transmission developments as it is those benefits that are generally specified in economic regulatory investment tests.

In order to be successful, the WG needed to bring together experts from around the world. This was made difficult as it was found that the economic environment at time meant travel approvals were difficult to organise.  The solution the WG employed was to use virtual meeting technology minimising travel costs and allowing more effective involvement from members of the working group.

The WG was also successfully able to involve a number of young engineers from Australia and New Zealand in the working group. Their enthusiasm and availability proved essential in sustaining momentum while providing them with a great career development experience.

For a Summary of the Technical Brochure please click here.

Members will find the full article in the April 2014 edition of Electra.