
Convenor - Tri Tran email
2023 A1 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack
2023 A1 Technical Presentation - Video
- Turbine generators
- Hydro generators
- Rotating generators for renewable/variable applications
- Motors
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Convenor - Matthew Gibson email
2023 A2 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 A2 Technical Presentation - Video
- Power transformers including industrial, DC converter and phase-shifting transformers
- Reactors including shunt, series, saturated and, smoothing
- Transformer components including bushings, tap changers and accessories
Convenor - David Pita email
2023 A3 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 A3 Technical Presentation - Video
- Devices for switching, interrupting, or limiting currents including circuit breakers, load switches, re-closers, ring-main units disconnectors, earthing switches and fault current limiters wherever installed.
- Surge arresters, capacitors, busbar and equipment insulators, instrument transformers, bushings, and all other equipment within the substation not specifically covered under another equipment study committee’s scopes..
Convenor - Rob Bradley email
2023 B1 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 B1 Technical Presentation - Video
- AC and DC insulated power cable systems for power transmission, distribution and generation connections on land and in submarine applications.
- Power cable systems associated with micro-grids and the integration of distributed resources.
Convenor - Asif Bhangor email
2023 B2 Technical Presentation Slide Pack 2023 B2 Technical Presentation - Video
- Overhead lines and the associated subsystems including conductors, conductor bundles, earth wires, optical cables and their associated insulators, joints, hardware and accessories.
- Structures (steel, concrete, hybrid, wood) including accessories, foundations and earthing systems.
Convenor - Andreas Laubi email
2023 B3 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 B3 Technical Presentation - Video
- Issues in all phases of the substation lifetime; from conception, through research, development, design, production, deployment, operation and end-of-life.
- At all stages, technical, safety, economic, environmental and social aspects are addressed, as well as interactions with and integration into the evolving power system and environment.
- All aspects of performance, specification, testing and the application of testing techniques are within the scope, with particular emphasis on the impact of changing interactions and requirements due to the evolution of the power system.
- Life cycle assessment techniques, risk management techniques, education and training are also important aspects.
Convenor - John Wright-Smith email
2023 B4 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 B4 Technical Presentation - Video
- Direct Current equipment and systems including converter technology and semi-conductor devices.
- Power electronics for AC systems and power quality improvement, advanced power electronics and applications.
Convenor - Rob Coggan email
2023 B5 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 B5 Technical Presentation - Video
- Power system protection, substation control and automation, remote control systems and equipment, metering systems and equipment.
Convenor - Christian Schaefer email
2023 C1 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 C1 Technical Presentation - Video
- Utilization of methods and tools for power system steady state and dynamic analysis in system planning and economic analyses.
- Planning predicaments and methods in competitive and regulatory structures and with stakeholder involvement for public acceptance. Progress and new approaches in application of power system planning criteria and reliability (security, adequacy, resilience) assessment.
- Capacity enhancement by use of risk-based security assessment and advanced information, communication and power-electronics technology for improving system stability and dynamic performance.
- Future dependence, requirements and economy of ancillary services for frequency and voltage control and other system needs (grid codes).
- System planning issues in newly industrialised and developing countries including metropolitan areas.
- Asset management strategies applied across a range of power system assets for the definition of optimal policies using e.g. total life cycle cost of ownership.
- Impact on system development of new solutions and technologies in fields such as generation, demand side management (DSM), energy storage, “smart” and evolving distribution systems. • The impact of pricing and tariff methods for transmission services on system development and project priorities in the context of market design and grid ownership structures.
- Planning issues related to long distance transmission and international interconnections. • Interface and allocation issues in transmission and distribution planning, and delivery of multi-party/cross-jurisdiction projects.
Convenor - Tjaart Van Der Walt email
2023 C2 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 C2 Technical Presentation - Video
- Control, monitoring and switching of equipment, management of ancillary services (such as voltage control, frequency control), monitoring of operational limits and actions to maintain network security and to avoid congestion (e.g. congestion management). Reserves and emergency strategies, management of disturbances, restoration and resilience enhancement strategies, interaction between the system players. Use of PMUbased data (such e.g. WAMS, WAMPS and WAMPACS), their integration within control centre environment and its contribution to power system analysis and security assessment functionalities.
- Developments and changes in the business of System Operators and their integration into the evolving environment: energy transition impact, changes in costumer behaviour, integration of new technologies, management and operation of large-scale energy storage, operation from pure AC to hybrid AC/DC systems, including cross-border interconnection, and common and coordinated activities between System Operators, between Transmission, Distribution and service providers. Consequences of higher penetration of DG/RES resources, increasing information exchange and controllability coming from all voltage levels. Interaction with market players, regulators, and service providers.
- Evaluation and benchmarking of the system performance in terms of disturbance frequency, power interruptions, power quality, operational and outage planning efficiency, both from the technical and economical points of view.
- Requirements, methods, tools and performance indicators for Control Centres and training of System Operators.
- Short-term planning and coordination of capacity calculation and network security. Development and use of power system analysis and security assessment functionalities within operational planning and real-time supervision, supporting system operators. Automation of processes and optimisation, e.g. application of remedial actions.
Convenor - Brett Hayward email
2023 C3 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 C3 Technical Presentation - Video
- Environmental impacts of power system development and operation, sustainable development vs. economic development, risk assessment and the economics of impact containment, power system efficiency and the environment
- Stakeholder engagement and communication, effective communication with the public and regulatory authorities, public acceptance of power system infrastructure
- Tools and measures for quantifying, controlling and mitigating the environmental impact such as life-cycle assessment (LCA), environmental product declarations (EPD), global benchmarking, etc.
- Global environmental changes relevant to the power system, awareness of the activities of global organisations in the environmental field and establishing appropriate co-operations and liaisons.
Convenor - Babak Badrzadeh email
2023 C4 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 C4 Technical Presentation - Video
- Power Quality Performance: Continuity of end-to-end electric power supply and voltage waveform quality (magnitude, frequency, symmetry). Analysis covers emission assessments from disturbing installations, measurement and simulation methods, identification of quality indices, monitoring techniques, immunity of sensitive installations, and mitigation techniques taking into account a co-ordinated approach across all voltage levels.
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): High frequency disturbances on the end-to-end electricity supply and all disturbances (HF or LF) reaching equipment other than through the electricity supply. Studies include measurement and simulation methods. Health effects related to low frequency EMF are however excluded.
- Power System Dynamics: Development of advanced tools and new analytical techniques for assessment of power system dynamic/transient performance, security, design of controls and modelling of existing and new equipment, real time stability evaluation and control.
- Lightning: Analysis of lightning characteristics and interactions of lightning with electric power systems and equipment, including protection in MV and LV networks against lightning, and their standardisation.
- Insulation Co-ordination: Methods and tools for insulation co-ordination and electromagnetic transient analysis in electric power systems and equipment, contributing to optimisation of their cost and reliability.
Convenor - Greg Thorpe email
2023 C5 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 C5 Technical Presentation - Video
- Market structures and products such as physical and financial markets and the interaction between them, contracts, internationally integrated markets.
- Techniques and tools to support market actors such as demand and price forecasting profit estimation, financial risk management etc.
- Regulation and legislation such as regulation objectives, extension and limits, price regulation of transmission, and ancillary services, transmission/distribution coordination and interactions, international harmonization, environmental and regulatory objectives etc.
- Evolution of markets and regulation from wholesale transmission focus to include retail distribution. The increasing interaction between regulation and markets throughout the electric power system value chain and the ability of markets and regulation to cater to rapid evolutions in dynamic / variable generation, demand and storage technologies and behaviours.
- Coordination of regulation, funding and trading arrangements for new assets and technologies expansion in new market structures, including the trend of decentralization of operations with distributed applications; the remaining assets coexisting with the retirement of other in utilities; the consideration of legacy trading arrangements in the new market arena
Convenor - Jennifer Gannon email
2023 C6 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 C6 Technical Presentation - Video
- Enabling technologies for renewable and distributed energy resource integration and application: active network management, micro-grids, virtual power plants, distribution management systems (ADMS, DERMS), DER monitoring and control, aggregation systems, platforms, block-chain applications
- Innovative solutions for DER and distribution technology deployment: smart inverters and power electronic interfaces and interconnection device applications, MV/LV DC supply systems, distribution system modernization
- Storage technologies: deployment of various storage technologies such as electrochemical electric battery energy storage systems, flywheels, flow batteries, and new storage technologies, hydropower, hydrogen, multi-energy solutions (with thermal storage), power2X applications (power to heat, power to gas …), electric vehicles.
- New approaches to configure new distribution systems for enhanced reliability and resilience: islandable grid connected micro-grids, power exchange between micro-grids.
- Consumer integration and empowerment: Demand side integration and participation, demand response, load management, smart load, new customer sectors such as electric vehicles, smart home and smart meter applications with impact on distribution systems.
- Smart cities: integrated distribution system technologies, power, control and information and communication technology deployment for flexibility, integration of multi-energy systems.
- Rural Electrification, islanded power systems and individual customer off-grid systems and solutions.
Convenor - Yi Li email
2023 D1 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 D1 Technical Presentation - Video
- Fundamental aspects of new and existing materials for electro-technology (conducting and insulating materials for electrical use)
- Multi-component insulating arrangements with one or more electrical insulating materials used in conjunction with associated conducting parts
- Diagnostic techniques and related knowledge rules
- Emerging test techniques.
Convenor - Louise Watts email
2023 D2 Technical Presentation - Slide Pack 2023 D2 Technical Presentation - Video
- ICT applied to digital networks throughout the end-to-end power system including smart meters, energy management systems (EMS), Internet of Things, big data
- Communication solutions for information exchange between all participants in the electrical power system
- Interoperability and data exchange (file format, frequency, etc.) between all participants in the electrical power system including network operators, market players, off-grid premises
- Cyber security issues at all levels from field equipment through to corporate IT including governance constraints, system design, implementation, testing, operation and maintenance
- Technologies and architectures to ensure business continuity and disaster recovery
- IT systems to support the decision-making process in Asset Management