Working Groups - B3 Substations
AA1 Advisory Area for Substations Concepts and Developments
CAG Customer Advisory Group
JWG B3/B1.27 Factors for investment decision GIL vs Cables for AC Transmission
JWG B3/C1/C2.14 Circuit Configuration Optimisation
SAG Strategic Advisory Group
TAG Tutorial Advisory Group
WG B3.13 Reducing replacement time of HV equipment
WG B3.23 Guidelines for uprating and upgrading of substations
WG B3.24 Benefits of PD diagnosis on GIS condition assessment
WG B3.25 SF6 gas analysis for AIS, GIS and MTS condition assessment
WG B3.29 Field Tests Technology on UHV substation during construction and operation
WG B3.30 Guide to minimise the use of SF6 during routine testing of electrical equipment
WG B3.31 Air Insulated Substations design for severe climate condition
WG B3.32 - Saving through optimised maintenance of air insulated substations
WG B3.34 Expected impact of future grid concept on substation management
WG B3.35 Substation earthing system design optimisation through the application of quantified risk analysis
WG B3.36 Special considerations for AC collector systems and substations associated with HVDC connected wind powers plants
WG B3.37 Internal arc effects in medium voltage switchgear (1-52kV)-mitigation techniques