Cigre Australia

global know-how


Working Groups - B4 HVDC and Power Electronics

AG 1 Strategic Advisory Group

AG 2 DC Grid Coordination

AG 3 Communication and website

AG 4 HVDC System Performance

B4-51 Study of Converter Voltage Transients Imposed on the HVDC Converter Transformers

B4-53 Guidelines for procurement and testing of STATCOMs

B4-54 Guidelines For life extension of existing HVDC systems

B4-55 HVDC connection of offshore wind power plants

B4-56 Guidelines for preparation of connection agreements or grid codes for HVDC grids

B4-57 Guide for the development of models for HVDC converters in a HVDC grid

B4-58 Devices for load flow control and methodologies for direct voltage control in a meshed HVDC grid

B4-60 Designing HVDC grids for optimal reliability and availability performance

B4-61 General guidelines for HVDC electrode design

B4-62 Connection of wind farms to weak AC networks

B4-63 Commissioning of VSC HVDC schemes

B4.64 Impact of AC system characteristics on the performance of HVDC schemes

B4/B5-59 Control and protection of HVDC grids

JWG A3/B4.34 Technical requirements and specifications of state of the art DC switching equipment

JWG B4/C1.65 Recommended voltages for HVDC grids