Working Groups - D2 Information Systems and Telecommunication
D2.01 Core business information systems and services
D2.02 Communication with other SCs and Cigré stakeholders
D2.03 Telecommunication networks, services and technology
D2.31 Security architecture principles for digital systems in electric power utilities (EPUs)
D2.32 Optical cables links in power utilities - mounting, commissioning, maintenance and management
D2.33 Operation and maintenance of Telecom network and associated information systems in the electrical power utility
D2.34 Telecommunication and information systems for assuring business continuity and disaster recovery
D2.35 Scalable communication transport solutions over optical networks
D2.36 Communication solutions for information exchange in the smart delivery of electrical energy
D2.37 Guidelines for outsourcing managed security services using cloud technologies
D2.38 - A framework for electric power utility (EPU) operators to manage the response to a cyber-initiated threat to their critical infrastructure
JWG B5/D2.46 Application and management of cyber security measures for protection and control systems
JWG D2/B5.30 Communications for HV substation protection and wide area protection applications