Global Know-how
from our worldwide pool of experts
With its global footprint across in excess of 90 countries, CIGRE offers unique international perspectives and unfettered access to a worldwide pool of experts and peers.
This global know-how has been built on a reputation for technical excellence through CIGRE’s uniquely apolitical forum where unconstrained ideas are freely exchanged.
This forum enables professionals to stay at the forefront of their industry. Cigré members can investigate and understand the latest technical trends, as well as take advantage of proven solutions – solutions that might normally represent considerable risk if developed in isolation.
This means innovation can be pursued and selected to ensure the risks associated with bleeding edge are mitigated and leading edge is capitalised on.
Network of the future
CIGRE’s global know-how places members in a position to identify the future technical challenges to our business leaders and to develop best practice for the network of the future.
This includes tapping into CIGRE’s thought leadership around such complex issues as changing patterns of generation and demand, the integration of renewables and the importance of stakeholder engagement.
The complex future challenges the industry faces calls for the global perspectives and know-how CIGRE offers. CIGRE Australia professionals are uniquely placed to select the ‘right’ innovations from this mix and bring them to the table for the Australian environment.