Many CIGRE members appreciate the value that membership of a global network of professionals has brought them and their company, and have volunteered to let others know some of the benefits achieved through offering testimonials and comments.
CIGRE has an extremely important role in Western Power, including dealing with technical issues, providing thought leadership and acting as a genuine international forum. A forum that deals with the macro policy issues and is not distracted by politics.
Paul Italiano, CEO, Western Power
CIGRE creates good networks for experts to get together and enhance their understanding of technical issues on a global basis
Steve Davy, CEO, HydroTasmania
CIGRE work helps in providing a platform for a robust technical discussion between manufacturer and customer. It thus also helps to focus on the real requirements and bringing overall optimisation. Copper sulphide issue, high temperature materials and HV bushings are some of the glaring examples were CIGRE work has immensely helped the consumer and manufacturers alike.
The Technical Brochures produced by Cigre are of immense value, as they bring together the results of many years of world-wide experience and research into a format that can be readily understood and followed and which would otherwise be unavailable to the majority of people. WTC have used these in several ways including:
- For developing our maintenance practices and forming advice to customers
- For dealing with the issue of corrosive sulphur
- Evaluating ester fluids
- many other areas of our day to day operations.
Tutorials prepared by working groups are also very well received, as they provide further background and information related to the associated technical brochures and give opportunity for discussion with those who have been involved with their production. Progress papers and reports from the working groups and task forces are also of immense value. CIGRE seminars are also of immense importance in Australia as they often bring overseas speakers to which we have little or no access on a regular basis.
Ed Wilson, Deputy Managing Director,Wilson Transformer Company Pty Ltd.
“CIGRE provides its members with the perfect combination of leading-edge technical knowledge and the opportunity to harness a network of leading technical experts in the power industry.
For myself, CIGRE has given me the opportunity to attend the CIGRE Session in Paris, and volunteer as an NGN committee member, B2.64 working group regular member, C6 Australia Panel representative, and a member of the C6 CIDER conference organising committee. Attending the CIGRE Session was an amazing experience which opened my eyes to the depth and breadth of topics encompassed by CIGRE. I left Paris exhausted by the amount of knowledge I consumed and stunned by the number of industry contacts I had developed in a week; many of which have proved very useful since my return. Attending the CIGRE NGN event in Paris and manning the CIGRE NGN booth allowed me to develop contacts with other young engineers from around the globe and exchange knowledge and ideas.
Volunteering through CIGRE has helped me refine my leadership, communication and organisational skills. Having been a longstanding member and volunteer for many other professional organisations I can safely say I believe CIGRE is the most valuable membership an engineer can have while working in the power industry.”
Alexandra Price, Engineer, Energy Queensland