Working Groups - C6 Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation
AG C6.01 Strategic advisory group
AG C6.12 Tutorial advisory group
AG C6.17 Advisory group on rural electrification
AG C6.23 Advisory group on terminology
TF C6.04.02 Computational tools and techniques for analysis, design and validation of distributed generation systems
WG C6.04 Connection and protection practices for dispersed generation
WG C6.05 Technical and economic impact of DG on transmission and generation systems
WG C6.08 Integration of large share of fluctuating generation
WG C6.09 Demand side response
WG C6.11 Development and operation of active distribution networks
WG C6.15 Electric energy storage systems
WG C6.16 Technologies employed in rural electrification
WG C6.19 Planning and optimisation methods for active distribution systems
WG C6.20 Integration of electric vehicles in electric power systems
WG C6.21 Smart metering – state of the art, regulation, standards and future requirements
WG C6.22 Microgrids
WG C6.24 Capacity of distribution feeders for hosting DER
WG C6.27 Asset management for distribution networks with high penetration of distributed energy resources